My Wish: Tim Tebow Meets Adam
Adam gets the chance to practice and spend the day with Tim Tebow.
Adam, 16, used to love playing football. Then he was diagnosed with a rare, life-threatening blood disorder. After three years of treatment, Adam was ready for his wish. Follow along as he travels to Florida to meet quarterback Tim Tebow.
"My Wish" is a collaborative effort with Make-A-Wish that chronicles the granting of unique sports-related wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions.
Make-A-Wish® grants the wish of a child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition in the United States and its territories, on average, every 38 minutes. We believe that a wish experience can be a game-changer. This one belief guides us. It inspires us to grant wishes that change the lives of the kids we serve.
Learn more about how you can help grant wishes at
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