Tim Tebow Foundation And Show Hope Surprise Barrett Family
Thanks to Show Hope's partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation, we surprised the Barrett family at Show Hope's 10 Year Celebration. The Barrett family has received two Adoption Aid grants from Show Hope, and they are working right now to bring home precious Sabrina from Maria's Big House of Hope, Show Hope's flagship Special Care Center.
The Barrett family has two children: Sam and Sarah. Soon, they will be bringing home their third child, Sabrina, thanks to the generosity of the Tim Tebow foundation. All three of the Barrett's children suffer from the same liver disorder. Sam and Sarah were able to receive the necessary medical treatment upon their arrival to the United States from China, and they are hoping to do the same for Sabrina when she arrives.
The Barrett family is a beautiful example of God's call for us to care for His children in distress. Despite the financial challenges, their trust in God's plan for them has given them two, and soon three, wonderful children. These children would most likely not be alive if they had remained in China. Show Hope is grateful for the Barrett family and their willingness to answer God's call to care for orphans, as well as all the Show Hope sponsors who make miracles like these happen.
Read more http://showhope.org
Kim Barret's blog about her family's experience - http://www.showhope.org/barrett
Show Hope 10 Year Anniversary Recap - http://www.showhope.org/sh10yr
Become a Show Hope Sponsor - http://www.showhope.org/sponsor
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